Midnight Gastrointestinal Raid

Sunday May 15

Tis true. It was a cold night so we all doubled up for warmth. Patti and Tara, Riley and I. The four beds came equipped with about 20 pounds of blankets apiece so we, now in doubled up mode, thought more would blankets would be better despite the amazing weight.  In hindsight maybe all these blankets were more heatsink than insulation.

As I lay in the pancake press hoping to fall asleep with an elevated heart rate and a slightly pulsing headache, we were at about 13000 feet and it is not easy sleeping that high, my body began to ache and alternate with shivers and the slightest of sweats. This instantly brought me back to our return trip from Vietnam. GI distress in the sky!! I began praying and begging God to take this from me. I know nothing happens apart from the will of God, if it did then He would not be God.

Then my greater concern turned to the kids. If they felt a quarter as bad as I did when I was so sick it would be terrible. We were all eating the same things which had me uneasy. So I laid and prayed until about 1:00AM when Patti, Tara, and I got up to go out to the bathroom.  Across the courtyard was a bathroom area with no glass in the window panes, and of course no heat, which leant a little cold shock to the bathroom experience. This seemed to help and I was feeling better.

I did finally get a few hours sleep when Riley bolted upright in bed, bad news. My inquiry yielded the answer I did not want to hear as I lunged for the garbage can to mitigate damage.  I was really praying now, that if anyone was going to be sick it was going to be me and not the kids. Fortunately, after 10 minutes and nothing for the garbage can to catch this sick event ended.

Prayers answered and we will continue to ask that God keeps us healthy and hope that He is willing.

You never know what it is that gets you.  Could it have been this mystery meat we had in puno the day before?
