Paris Day 2
Today was the Skinny Jeans debut. I grew tired of wearing the same old single pair of drab pants that still bore grease from Greece. I love olive oil almost as much as my pants. Paris is much more fashion forward then Littleton so I was going to feel right at home in these, maybe even my man-prees would be fine here. Patti and Tara keep telling me that they are not skinny jeans, but I am not so sure about that. After I only burst 2 blood vessels in my left eye trying to get these on we headed out to start our day at the Palace of Versailles (PoV). We had it on good authority that if we arrived at the PoV before 9:00 we would be all set. We arrived at 9:05. But, we had a few other things working against us, the first being that PoV is close on Monday which makes Sunday, our day, the busiest. Our second challenge was the 20 tour buses which were already in the lot when we rounded the corner from the train station. Those tour buses hold up to 65 people and the quick math put th...