Hangin' in Hong Kong

Special Update - our visa challenges from last night did not end last night, they are in fact not over yet.  So, the arrival cards that were discarded were found, one in our garbage and one in Tara's passport.  Evidently, it is common practicemfor the customs agent to staple this little card into our passports, not this time.  Our guide for Hong Kong stopped by the room last night at midnight to pick up the other 3 arrival cards and connect with her visa man.

When we met with her this morning she explained how things were continuing to be sticky.  The visa agent was now requiring that we have birth certificates for the girls.  Our small group is going to continue into the mainland tomorrow and we will catch up once things are sorted out. The next plan was to get to the U.S. Embassy first thing in the morning.  We could not go to embassy today as it is a holiday here in HK.  The embassy website says get there early after holidays as the lines will be extra long.  That was our plan for a little bit, but that seems to be changing hourly.  As I type this we are on a trajectory to have our guide work the embassy angle in the morning so hopefully we can get going tomorrow evening.

More updates later.  Remember the Tom Hanks movie Terminal?

OK.  Turns out I did not post this earlier.  So much more has transpired, up to the point where we were thinking that we may not get into China.  I think that it is all straightened out now, but I have already thought that a few times.  I desperately need to go to sleep.

Stay tuned.
