Friday May 27 Today we woke to the sound of roosters crowing, dogs barking, and general busyness around the hostel. It is only happening like that because I am sleeping great. I thank God for that. After some breakfast we headed down the hill to find the bus station and to play our hand at the 'getting there is half the fun ' game. We had a rough idea about where we were going and thought public transport would be a more interesting, and cheaper, way to travel then private cab. We wandered into the chaotic bus depot looking, I am sure, a little bewildered, wondering where we might buy some tickets. We did not find that, but we did have a few folks hawking rides to here and there. Finally we spotted a bus with Cotacachi painted on it. Cotacachi was not exactly where we wanted to go, but it was close and could serve the purpose. So we got on and away the bus sped, and we thought "well, here we go... s omewhere". When the bus commander came around to collect the dinero...