More Milk, More Money
CR and his MilkMoney joined me and mine on Green Mtn this morning for a 5:00am assualt. I had the new Magicshine MJ-808 on the bars today. It really helps with the depth perception to see shadows. With a single, head-mounted, light source everything looks flat, rocks, logs, death inducing debris, land sharks. I am going to roll it out on the next ride and try to get a good discharge on the light as even the Lith Ions appear to have some memory issues. Pictures seem like a nice way to dress up a blog. This morning was going to be one of pre-dawn Denver Metro, but the battery was completely dead, bummer, that will teach me, I think. CR and I did not have any deep discussions this morning, but I am still working through the Greg Boyd sermons on Two Kingdoms. I am still developing my thoughts on this view but I get the feeling the his is a mis-characterization. While I agree with with much of what he says but I do also take issue with an assertion that he makes about who Jesus kept ...